

PRANS HSS X8 unit is intended for use in the open spaces and in field conditions. The method of thermo-abrasive cleaning of the steel surface before its coating is the most effective technique currently in use. 

Passing through a gas flame plume formed in the combustion chamber of a supersonic apparatus, the abrasive particles are accelerated to high speeds and heated to 200-250°C, while the moisture and organic compounds contained in the stream of compressed air and abrasives are completely removed. Removal of contaminants from the treated surface occurs at high temperatures, with high energy impact on the surface layer and in an environment with low oxygen content, and all these create optimal conditions for the subsequent application of a protective coating.

A remarkable advantage of the technology implemented with the units of PRANS HSS series is that surface preparation and coating are carried out by one device. This allows application of coatings onto the prepared surfaces without time delays, during which the surface layer of the prepared objects can get contaminated and oxidized. Avoiding this, the quality of the coating is stable and impeccable.

Cleaning and coating process video:

Two Processes. One Unit

The PRANS HSS X8 unit is designed for thermo-abrasive cleaning of surfaces and structures made of various materials from any coating, oxide films, limescale, fuel oil deposits and other contaminants with subsequent application of a protective zinc coating onto the cleaned metal parts.

Switching between cleaning and coating processes with no delay.

Switching process video:


Units of the PRANS series are multifunctional and at the same time their technological process is based onto many heterogeneous physical phenomena (processes).

The technology of PRANS allows to carry out high-quality cleaning, preparation and activation of surfaces for the subsequent application of metal coatings – zinc, aluminum, alumino-zinc, copper.


Why is the metallization or coating technology of the PRANS unit better than other alternative techniques of application or other coating units currently on the market?

Each technology and equipment model has its own optimal areas and facilities (in terms of efficiency and cost) with their specific parameters. If we make parallels and compare with other technologies, for example, arc metallization and gas-flame spraying burners, then the clear advantages of the PRANS technology would be:

Before & After Samples

Cleaned with HSS
Original Surface
Cleaned with HSS
Original Surface
Cleaned with HSS
Original Surface


Considering the fact that working with a compressor of the given performance can increase the power of the outgoing jet from the nozzle 10 or more times by means of directly converting the chemical energy of the hydrocarbon fuel into thermal and kinetic energy, we achieve better results.

With the help of our technology and equipment, the speed of the gas phase of the jet can reach 3-4 Machs (more than 1000-1300 m/s), which is unattainable in conventional sandblasting machines.

Traces of bitumen, oil and moisture are easily removed from the surface. Easily achieved dedusting and degreasing of the surface. Possibility of implementing a thermal shock cleaning technology and ease of implementation, in case necessary, of the powerful water-abrasive cleaning (Rebinder effect).

Thanks to the technology, consumption of any kind of abrasive for high-quality surface preparation is several times less.

Questions & Answers

Why the surface cleaning (sand blasting) with the PRANS unit is better than other alternative coating methods or other coating units on the market?

What to remember:

Is it possible to use the names of the methods of material application, metallization and zincing, in relation to the PRANS unit? Or how to correctly name the method of protective materials application with the PRANS unit?

Units of the PRANS series are multifunctional and at the same time their technological process is based onto many heterogeneous physical phenomena (processes).

Basic processes: